
CorelDRAW is one of my most frequently used graphics applications. I can do things with CorelDRAW that simply can't be done with any other graphics program.       

This tutorial introduces you to the workspace of CorelDRAW. As you practice drawing objects, you'll learn to use the following tools:
•property bar
•mouse commands
You’ll also learn how to create a workspace that has customized toolbars.

The toolbar displays by default and contains buttons that are shortcuts to many of the menu commands.
In the following procedure, you will use the toolbar to start a drawing.
 On the toolbar, click the New button to start a new drawing. By default, this creates a drawing page with a width of 8.5 inches and a height of 11 inches.
From the Zoom levels list box, choose to height. This fits the height of the drawing page inside the drawing window.

The toolbox contains the tools used to create, fill, and modify your drawing. When you work in CorelDRAW, you will often need to use tools in flyouts. A flyout displays when you hold down a tool that has a small black triangle in the bottom-right corner.
Now, you’ll use the Rectangle flyout to draw a rectangle. CorelDRAW offers two ways to draw certain kinds of shapes, such as rectangles and ellipses: you can drag, or you can specify height and width. In this case, you’ll specify the rectangle’s height and width.
To draw a rectangle by specifying width and height
 Open the Rectangle flyout, and click the 3 point rectangle tool.
 Draw the width of the rectangle by dragging and then releasing the mouse button.
 Move the mouse up until the rectangle is the height you want, and click.

The property bar is a bar with commands that relate to an active tool. For example, when you click the 3 point rectangle tool, the property bar displays commands relevant to creating and editing rectangles.
 Specify the following dimensions in the Object(s) size boxes on the property bar:
• Width — 8.5
• Height — 1.4
Click in the drawing window.

CorelDRAW has extensive Help that you can use when you are unsure how to perform a task.
In this procedure, you'll use the Help to get instructions on using a solid color as the background for your drawing.
 Select the rectangle with the Pick tool.
 Click Help menu 􀁠 Help topics.
 Click the Index tab. In the box, type the word objects.
 Click the index entry applying uniform fills to.

The procedure to apply a uniform fill displays.
 Follow the step-by-step instructions to set the background of your drawing to a solid color.
In step 4, use the following values:
• C — 19
• M — 3
• Y — 8
• K — 0
 Close the Help.

 Select the rectangle with the Pick tool.
 Open the Outline flyout, and click the No outline tool.

In the following procedure, you will use the toolbox’s Text tool to add text to a page. You can add two different kinds of text: artistic text and paragraph text. Artistic text is used for short blocks of text that can have effects applied to them, whereas paragraph text is used for larger blocks of text that can be extensively formatted.
 In the toolbox, click the Text tool.
 Click in the rectangle, and type Ipsum.
The word Ipsum displays in artistic text.
 Above and to the left of Ipsum, drag to create a paragraph text frame, and type Lorem.
The word Lorem displays in paragraph text.
 In the toolbox, click the Pick tool.
Click outside the drawing page. This deselects all objects.
To take a closer look at an object, choose the Zoom tool from the Zoom flyout in the toolbox. Click the object to zoom in. Right-click the object to zoom out.

Here, you’ll edit the font attributes of the text in your drawing by using the property bar.
 Select the word Ipsum using the Pick tool.
 From the Font list box on the property bar, choose Verdana.
 From the Font size list box, choose 24.
 Click the Italic button on the property bar.
If the text moves off the page, reposition it by using the Pick tool to select the object and drag it.
 Select the paragraph text frame using the Pick tool.
 From the Font list box, choose Verdana.
 In the Font size list box, type 30.
 Click outside the drawing page.

Here, you’ll spray objects on your drawing by using the tools on the property bar. You’ll add fish and bubbles to your drawing.

 Open the Curve flyout, and click the Artistic media tool.
 On the property bar, click the Sprayer button.
 From the Spray list file list, choose goldfish.
 In the Size of object(s) to be sprayed box, type 90.
 From the Choice of spray order list box, choose sequentially.
 Click the Spray list dialog button on the property bar to open the Create playlist dialog box.
 Choose Image 8 from the Playlist list.
 Click the up arrow until Image 8 is at the top of the Playlist list.
 Click OK.
 Drag to draw a short line on the right side of the rectangle.
 Click outside the drawing page to deselect.

 Open the Curve flyout, and click the Artistic media tool.
 On the property bar, click the Sprayer button.
 From the Spray list file list, choose bubbles.
 In the Size of object(s) to be sprayed box, type 80 in the upper box and 99 in the lower box.
 From the Choice of spray order list box, choose sequentially.
 Drag to draw a vertical line from the top of the drawing page to the bottom.
 Using the Pick tool, resize the bubbles to be approximately the same size as the distance between the fish and the top of the rectangle.
You can resize an object by dragging its corner handles.
 Using the Pick tool, move the bubbles between the fish and the top of the rectangle.
 Click outside the drawing page to deselect.

CorelDRAW lets you draw all kinds of different lines, from curved or straight lines to calligraphic lines.
Next, you'll add seaweed to your drawing using the Curve flyout. You’ll draw two different types of curved lines: a freehand line and a polyline. To draw a freehand line, you drag the mouse. To draw a polyline, you drag the mouse to preview the line before you actually draw it.

 Open the Curve flyout, and click the Freehand tool.
 From the Outline style selector list box on the property bar, choose a dashed line style.
 In the Outline pen dialog box, enable the Graphic check box.
 Click OK.
 From the Outline width list box on the property bar, choose 1.0 pt.
 In the Outline pen dialog box, enable the Graphic check box.
 Click OK.
 Drag across the drawing page from the left side of the fish to the center and bottom of the rectangle.
 Click the Pick tool.
 Click outside the drawing page to deselect.

 Open the Curve flyout, and click the Polyline tool.
 From the Outline style selector list box, choose a solid line style.
 In the Outline pen dialog box, enable the Graphic check box.
 Click OK.
 Drag to create a vertical wavy line from the bottom of the rectangle to the top.
 Double-click to set the line.
 Repeat steps 1 to 6 to add more seaweed to the rectangle.

Dockers offer another convenient way to edit graphics. They contain the same kinds of controls found in dialog boxes, such as buttons, options, and list boxes. However, unlike most dialog boxes, you can keep dockers open as you work.
Now, you’ll use the Artistic media docker to add brush strokes to your drawing.
 Click Window menu 􀁠 Dockers 􀁠 Artistic media.
The artistic media docker opens
 Select one of the wavy seaweed lines with the Pick tool.
 Open the Curve flyout, and click the Artistic media tool.
 Click the Preset button on the property bar.
 In the Artistic media tool width list box, type 0.1.
 In the Artistic media docker, choose the fifth stroke from the top from the list of strokes.
 From the Default CMYK palette at the right of your application window, choose Green.
 Repeat steps 1 to 7 for each wavy line you created in to draw a curved line using the Polyline tool.

When you right-click an object, CorelDRAW displays a context-sensitive menu. You can use the menu to alter the properties of the object.
Next, you will access the context-sensitive menu to modify the text in your drawing.
To alter text properties using mouse commands
 Click the Pick tool.
 Right-click the word Lorem.
The menu for paragraph text displays.
 Click Convert to artistic text.
The artistic text Lorem converts to artistic text.
 Right-click the word Ipsum.
The menu for artistic text displays.
 Click Convert to paragraph text.
The paragraph text Ipsum converts to paragraph text.
 Close the Object properties docker.
This is what the drawing should look like:

A workspace is a configuration of settings that specifies how the various toolbars, menus, and buttons are arranged when you are using the application. You can create a workspace to suit your needs, or to help you complete certain tasks.
Here, you will create a workspace and customize toolbars for it.
To create a workspace
 Click Tools menu 􀁠 Options.
 In the list of categories, click Workspace.
 Click New.
 In the Name of new workspace box in the New workspace dialog box, type custom1.
 From the Base new workspace on list box, choose _default.
 Enable the Set as current workspace check box.
 Click OK.
You have now created your own workspace. Next, you will customize it.

 In the list of Workspace categories, click Customization, and click Command bars.
 Enable the Standard check box.
 In the list of categories, click Commands.
 From the list box, choose All (show all items).
 Drag the Properties icon to the toolbar in the application window, placing it between the
Open icon and the Save icon .
 Drag the Treat as filled icon to the toolbar in the application window, placing it between the
Import icon and the Export icon .
 In the dialog box, click OK.
Now, when you click the Properties button, it will open or close the Object properties docker. When you click the Treat as filled button, it will change the way that CorelDRAW selects objects that have no fill.
This is what the toolbar should look like:

 Click Tools menu 􀁠 Customization.
 In the list of categories, click Command bars.
 Click New, and type custom1.
 Make sure that the check box beside custom1 is enabled.
A new toolbar displays in the application window.
 In the list of categories, click Commands.
 From the list box, choose Text.
 Drag the Increase kerning icon to the custom toolbar in the application window.
 Drag the Decrease kerning icon to the custom toolbar in the application window.
 In the dialog box, click OK.
This is what the toolbar should look like:
 To dock the toolbar, click the toolbar border, and drag the toolbar to the edge of the application window until the toolbar changes shape.
Now, when you select text using the Text tool, you will be able to adjust the kerning.
You have now customized your workspace. Next, you will restore the default workspace.

 Click Tools menu 􀁠 Options.
 In the list of categories, click Workspace.
 In the Workspaces available list, enable the check box beside V12 default workspace.
 In the dialog box, click OK.

Back One Main Ctrl+PgDn Back One
Bold Text Editing Ctrl+B Make the text bold.
Bold Table Text Editing Ctrl+B Make the text bold.
Break Apart Main Ctrl+K Break the object apart to create multiple objects and paths.
Brightness/Contrast/Intensity... Main Ctrl+B Brightness/Contrast/Intensity
Character Formatting Main Ctrl+T Change the properties of text characters.
Color Balance... Main Ctrl+Shift+B Color Balance
Copy Main Ctrl+C Place copies of one or more objects on the Clipboard.
Copy Main Ctrl+Insert Place copies of one or more objects on the Clipboard.
Cut Main Ctrl+X Move one or more objects to the Clipboard.
Cut Main Shift+Delete Move one or more objects to the Clipboard.
Envelope Main Ctrl+F7 Opens the Envelope Docker Window
Eraser Main X Remove unwanted areas in a drawing.
Exit Main Alt+F4 Exits CorelDRAW and prompts to save the active drawing
Expand Selection Table Editing Ctrl+A Expand Selection
Expand Selection Table Text Editing Ctrl+A Expand Selection
Export... Main Ctrl+E Save a duplicate of the document to a different file format.
Forward One Main Ctrl+PgUp Forward One
Fountain Fill Main F11 Fill an object with a gradient of colors or shades.
Freehand Main F5 Draw curves and straight line segments.
Full Justify Text Editing Ctrl+J Align all text, excluding the last line, with both the left and right sides of the bounding box.
Full Justify Table Text Editing Ctrl+J Align all text, excluding the last line, with both the left and right sides of the bounding box.
Full-Screen Preview Main F9 Displays a full-screen preview of the drawing
Graph Paper Main D Draw a grid.
Graphic and Text Styles Main Ctrl+F5 Opens the Graphic and Text Styles Docker Window
Group Main Ctrl+G Group objects while preserving their individual attributes.
HTML Font Size List Text Editing Ctrl+Shift+H Shows a list of all the available/active HTML font sizes
HTML Font Size List Table Text Editing Ctrl+Shift+H Shows a list of all the available/active HTML font sizes
Horizontal Text Main Ctrl+, Changes the text to horizontal direction
Hue/Saturation/Lightness... Main Ctrl+Shift+U Hue/Saturation/Lightness
Import... Main Ctrl+I Import a file into the active document.
Insert Symbol Character Main Ctrl+F11 Opens the Insert Character Docker Window
Interactive Fill Main G Create a fill dynamically by using markers in the drawing window and property bar to change the angle, midpoint, and color.
Italic Text Editing Ctrl+I Make the text italic.
Italic Table Text Editing Ctrl+I Make the text italic.
Join Curves Main Ctrl+Shift+J Join curves using endpoint tolerance
Left Text Editing Ctrl+L Align text with the left side of the bounding box.
Left Table Text Editing Ctrl+L Align text with the left side of the bounding box.
Lens Main Alt+F3 Opens the Lens Docker Window
Macro Editor... Main Alt+F11 Macro &Editor...
Macro Manager Main Alt+Shift+F11 &Macro Manager
Merge Cells Table Editing Ctrl+M Merge cells into one cell.
Mesh Fill Main M Fill an object by blending multiple colors or shades arranged over a mesh grid.
Micro Nudge Anchor Down Anchor Editing Ctrl+DnArrow Micro Nudge Anchor Down
Micro Nudge Anchor Left Anchor Editing Ctrl+LeftArrow Micro Nudge Anchor Left
Micro Nudge Anchor Right Anchor Editing Ctrl+RightArrow Micro Nudge Anchor Right
Micro Nudge Anchor Up Anchor Editing Ctrl+UpArrow Micro Nudge Anchor Up
Micro Nudge Down Main Ctrl+DnArrow Nudges the object downward by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge Left Main Ctrl+LeftArrow Nudges the object to the left by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge Right Main Ctrl+RightArrow Nudges the object to the right by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge Up Main Ctrl+UpArrow Nudges the object upward by the Micro Nudge factor
Move Down Table Editing DnArrow Move Down
Move Down 1 Frame Text Editing PgDn Moves the text caret down 1 frame
Move Down 1 Frame Table Text Editing PgDn Moves the text caret down 1 frame
Move Down 1 Line Text Editing DnArrow Moves the text caret down 1 line
Move Down 1 Line Table Text Editing DnArrow Moves the text caret down 1 line
Move Down 1 Paragraph Text Editing Ctrl+DnArrow Moves the text caret down 1 paragraph
Move Down 1 Paragraph Table Text Editing Ctrl+DnArrow Moves the text caret down 1 paragraph
Move Left Table Editing LeftArrow Move Left
Move Left 1 Character Text Editing LeftArrow Moves the text caret left 1 character
Move Left 1 Character Table Text Editing LeftArrow Moves the text caret left 1 character
Move Left 1 Word Text Editing Ctrl+LeftArrow Moves the text caret left 1 word
Move Left 1 Word Table Text Editing Ctrl+LeftArrow Moves the text caret left 1 word
Move Right Table Editing RightArrow Move Right
Move Right 1 Character Text Editing RightArrow Moves the text caret right 1 character
Move Right 1 Character Table Text Editing RightArrow Moves the text caret right 1 character
Move Right 1 Word Text Editing Ctrl+RightArrow Moves the text caret right 1 word
Move Right 1 Word Table Text Editing Ctrl+RightArrow Moves the text caret right 1 word
Move Up Table Editing UpArrow Move Up
Move Up 1 Frame Text Editing PgUp Moves the text caret up 1 frame
Move Up 1 Frame Table Text Editing PgUp Moves the text caret up 1 frame
Move Up 1 Line Text Editing UpArrow Moves the text caret up 1 line
Move Up 1 Line Table Text Editing UpArrow Moves the text caret up 1 line
Move Up 1 Paragraph Text Editing Ctrl+UpArrow Moves the text caret up 1 paragraph
Move Up 1 Paragraph Table Text Editing Ctrl+UpArrow Moves the text caret up 1 paragraph
Move to Beginning of Frame Text Editing Ctrl+Home Moves the text caret to the beginning of the frame
Move to Beginning of Frame Table Text Editing Ctrl+Home Moves the text caret to the beginning of the frame
Move to Beginning of Line Text Editing Home Moves the text caret to the beginning of the line
Move to Beginning of Line Table Text Editing Home Moves the text caret to the beginning of the line
Move to Beginning of Text Text Editing Ctrl+PgUp Moves the text caret to the beginning of the text
Move to Beginning of Text Table Text Editing Ctrl+PgUp Moves the text caret to the beginning of the text
Move to End of Frame Text Editing Ctrl+End Moves the text caret to the end of the frame
Move to End of Frame Table Text Editing Ctrl+End Moves the text caret to the end of the frame
Move to End of Line Text Editing End Moves the text caret to the end of the line
Move to End of Line Table Text Editing End Moves the text caret to the end of the line
Move to End of Text Text Editing Ctrl+PgDn Moves the text caret to the end of the text
Move to End of Text Table Text Editing Ctrl+PgDn Moves the text caret to the end of the text
Navigator Main N Brings up the Navigator window allowing you to navigate to any object in the document
New... Main Ctrl+N Start a new document.
Next Page Main PgDn Goes to the next page

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